About Us
About 3ngage
We believe that it’s easier to understand.
3ngage Product Experiences are available to anyone, everywhere = your customers, their devices.
3ngage measures* how people interact with your products. It helps improve product design and make it more human-friendly.
Physical products are then easier to understand online. Expect higher conversion + a reduced rate of return.
Think lower costs and more fun. Think sustainability.

Thomas Krotkiewski
Thomas Krotkiewski founded 3ngage in 2017. He’s worked in Digital Marketing since 1997 and holds a number of “world-first” innovations to his name. 3ngage was born out of frustration with how the real world is presented in digital channels, and the vision to make it more human-friendly.
Core team
Andreas Bjelfvenstam
Krystian Skumial
Fredrik Udd
Błażej Wocial
GDPR compliance, No P.I.I. captured