You Know Your Product Is Great. Does Your Customer?

Thomas Krotkiewski
Founder & CEO at 3ngage
Showing how great your product is will make an impression on your customers. Using an interactive 3D product simulation will make a lasting impression.
- Why it matters: We all know that our product is top-notch, but how can you effectively communicate that to our customers?
- Writing product descriptions can be a challenge – too much information can overwhelm them, while too little won’t have the impact you desire.
The bottom line: In today’s ecommerce world, you’re competing with many similar products from other brands, so standing out is merely the beginning.
What if I told you that you can give your customers a hands-on experience with your product, without ever having to physically touch it? By using 3D product simulations, your customers can explore and understand your product in an interactive and intuitive way.
Reality check: It’s not just boring product descriptions anymore. It’s a fun and exciting experience that will keep them engaged for 6 times longer than a traditional product presentation.
Meanwhile, not only is this approach more enjoyable for customers, but it also allows them to truly understand how your product works and operates. With hands-on exploration, they can make a more informed buying decision and understand your product on a deeper level.
- Studies have shown that using 3D product simulations can increase product understanding by a whopping 43%, compared to traditional product presentations.
So why not let your product do the talking? With an interactive and entertaining experience, your customers will be able to fully grasp the best features of your product, leading to higher satisfaction and a better overall understanding.
What’s next:
Say goodbye to boring product descriptions.
Say hello to an exciting, immersive product experience

Thomas Krotkiewski
Thomas Krotkiewski founded 3ngage in 2017. He’s worked in Digital Marketing since 1997 and holds a number of “world-first” innovations to his name. 3ngage was born out of frustration with how the real world is presented in digital channels, and the vision to make it more human-friendly.
Try it yourself
Just touch and explore the product.